Friday, September 5, 2008

audacious policy

I've just finished watching McCain's acceptance speech. Thanks god it's finally over. Some of the NPR historical pundits thought it was a great speech, although Mark Shields did not. David Brooks thought it was a good speech but he was troubled by the policy disconnect -- running against his own party while espousing most of their same policies.

I just thought it was tiresome. Let's all concede that McCain is a genuine war hero and give him all the accolades he needs. But it is not a qualification to be president. He might once have been a maverick, but he tarnished that label the day he turned around and embraced Dubya and the tactics that so viciously smeared him in 2000. Now he's got the same people running his campaign, while pandering the the religious right for their votes.

It's really an audacious strategy when you think about it. The candidate for the party in power is running on a pledge to throw the rascals out. He wants to shake things up in Washington, and then continue most of the same failed policies.

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