Well, yes, out with the old Bush administration, in with Obama's team. But there's the rub. By offering Hillary the Secretary of State position (if Bill gets a clean bill), Obama is flirting with keeping too much of the old.
The old team of rivals idea is great, and some say bringing in Hillary shows Obama's confidence that he can still be in charge. With anyone else, I'd agree. But Bill and Hillary are in another class altogether when it comes to dramatically using the media to stir up controversy and cause trouble.
But SoS would put her as the administration's leading voice and policy person in the very area in which they differed most in the primaries. Not only on the Iraq war but in her more hawkish position vis a vis meeting with our enemies and her hardline stance generally internationally. Disagree in private, yes. But will she then be a team player and accept his decisions? Or will she undermine him and subtly push her own views.
But even that concerns me less than the Clintons' affinity for drama and for using the media to promote their view and undermine the administration. And if (when) that happens, it would be a huge political risk for Obama to fire her. That's scenario is playing out even now. Look how they're talking to the media, making it seem inevitable even before Bill has been vetted, thus making it difficult for Obama not to give it to her.
Maybe it's worth it. In some ways, it would be brilliant. And I guess if Obama can forgive her for the primary negativity, I can. But I worry about her and Bill being able to accept being #2.
Right-Wing Commentator Named F.B.I. Deputy Director
49 minutes ago
An interesting take. My concern is her penchant for matters of State, foreign policy, running an Agency full of talented people. She's been a first lady and a Senator, but never a chief.
As a political tactic, it's as good a place as any for her, and there's wisdom in giving her a place. I'm not too worried about her previous stance on the War. I think she made a dumb call, by being afraid to vote against it. She defended her stance, but she's not one to admit mistakes. But Obama doesn't seem to be afraid of people, Hillary included. I guess one could see that as a weakness, but so far, it has served him well.
And, although I hate to admit it, old ruddy-faced, womanizing, Slick Willie wasn't bad at foreign policy. I'm not so taken with the argument that Obama's choices of Clintonites is antithetical to his "change" doctrine. The people he's picking were heavyweights. He's a concept guy, and a bring people together guy, so I don't blame him for picking from known talent to back him up. But, I'll promise to admit that I was naive and wrong if it turns out badly.
I'm not too worried about that either, really, because I think Obama knows what he's doing. He's picking people who know what they're doing and how to make the system work. He'll supply the direction and the inspiration.
But I think we may see Hillary decide not to take it. As of today, it seems that Ted Kennedy has established a task force in his committee to work up a universal health care proposal, and he named Hillary as one of three people who will head it up.
Along with that are leaks that she may not take the SoS, and not because of Bill.
Mother Jones has a good take on the HRC appointment. Not a HRC fan, but the author was accepting it until the way the public vetting is playing out.
"No Drama Obama" has suddenly been "All Clintons, All the Time." What should have been handled privately and quietly is playing out big time in the news. Bill is saying he will do anything, then holding back on some of his disclosures.
It's a preview of what it would be like. Anything involving Bill and Hill always becomes this soap opera about THEM. Obama doesn't need that in one of the 3 most important cabinet positions.
Then, for good measure, he also adds the concern I had -- SoS is more than high profile flying around the world on good will missions. It requires good management of a huge department. And her campaign is a lousy recommendation of her as an administrator.
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