Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prez Palin is looking More Possible

With McCain's increasingly erratic behavior, moments of being out of touch, signs of petty anger, I think you'd have to be an ostrich not to consider the possibility that if elected there is a good chance he won't last out his first term. Which means there is a distinct possibility that Palin would have to assume the presidency. Which means, this candidate has to be scrutinized for policy and character for more intensively than she has been so far.

If you think about her basic way of operating, as related by people who support her - she doesnn't like to study details or ideas, she values loyalty over all else, she gets rid of people who diagree with her, she is rigid and narrow-minded in her beliefs and thinks generlaly there is only one way, her way, to address a situation, she has shown a complete unwillingness to compromise, or work with those who have different philosophies from her.

Well, where else have we seen that type of mindset?

A friend forwarded an email to me that explains it this way

"When it comes to faith and politicis, the values of McCain's 'handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts.' 'What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick.'"

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