Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rove can't stop McCain's lies

It looks like even when Karl Rove complains that McCain's ads don't pass the truth test, McCain still isn't going to change. His latest Spanish-language ad blames Obama for voting in a way that prevented immigration reform - even though McCain and Obama cast identical votes on the issue.

Didn't someone once say Rove's basic strategy is, Repeat a lie so often people think it's true? McCain certainly learned that lesson.

And it was good to see Bob Herbert in the NYT come straight out and say Palin is totally unprepared to assume the presidency because of her basic lack of knowledge. He pointed out the obvious issues - her ignorance of the Bush Doctrine, her belief that being able to "see" Russia from Alaska makes her more prepared to deal with foreign leaders than actual experience and knowledge. Herbert was particularly stunned by the fact that on the anniversary of Sept. 11, she told an audience of soldiers that they would be fighting the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans. Was she deliberately falsifying history, or does she still not know that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the Sept. 11 attacks?

Herbert, as are all thinking people is terrified at the thought of a Palin presidency.

...she is not well versed on the critical matters confronting the country at one of the most crucial turning points in its history. The economy is in a tailspin. The financial sector is lurching about on rubbery legs. We're mired in self-defeating energy policies. We're at war. And we are still vulnerable to the very real threat of international terrorism. With all of that and more being the case, how can it be a good idea to set in motion the possibility that Americans might wake up one morning to find that Sarah Palin is president?

On a tax note - McCain won't let Palin release her tax returns. I know her salary as governor is around $81,000, and I just found out Todd listed income in 2007 of around $93,000 from his oil field and fishing work - not bad for a man who only has a high school degree.

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