Although I personally share Ralph's enthusiasm for the NYT presenting an in-depth piece on Sarah Palin, I doubt it will change the minds of anyone who is planning to vote for her. Still, it's good to see some news organization taking the time to present the facts of Sarah honestly. It's sad that during this election cycle, the toughest interview of a candidate was conducted by the women on the View, and the most incisive critique of Sarah as a candidate was presented in the opening sketch on Saturday Night Live
Ironically, this might have a greter influence than all the talkking heads put together. Let's hope so.
And by the way, did you read where Todd Palin was not only speaking to others in government about what the Troopergate mess, he was also privy to confidential documents about the players, and was cc'ed on every email. Another unelected 'official' making government decisions?
Right-Wing Commentator Named F.B.I. Deputy Director
48 minutes ago
Here's the link:
I haven't watched SNL for years and years....I thought them tame, stale. But this was hilarious. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
The Clintons got skewered for the 2-for-1 concept. But I guess it's ok if you do it behind people's back. From what I can tell there were multiple violations of privacy with regards to Troopergate. This is just another. I have known people to (rightly)lose their jobs over less.
what I don't understand is how the news media can effectively bring down the candidacy of Joe Biden in 1988 over something really trivial, and yet the lies of Palin and the McCain campaign are much more egregious, not to mention Palin's lack of qualifications, vetting, etc, and yet she is somehow untouchable. What gives?
One thing that really troubles me: Obama recently has not proved to be an effective campaigner. He just doesn't seem to have the fire or spontaneity to nail McCain. I know he's been knocked back on his heels by the Palin pick, but I hope he finds his voice or righteous indignation soon, and sponsors some hard-hitting ads, because it is gradually slipping away from him.
Maybe the debates will help. I have often thought that if you could get Obama and McCain side by side, that Obama would benefit from that, because he really looks good, whereas McCain often looks kind of weasely.
I don't know. As they say in France, Allons enfants!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that he needs to connect better with the undecided, and passion may help him do that. But my greatest fear is that he will listen to those who want him to get nasty and match the McCain mudslinging. That will only appall those who are truly on the fence.
He needs to focus on McCain, his opponent. Palin is a sideshow and he needs to treat her as such.
BTW, if you only read the MSM, you would think everyone in Alaska loves Palin. There was an anti-Palin rally in Anchorage, and one blogger reported that more people were there than were at the Palin welcome home. See
Ed, everything Palin does is excused by her supporters, that's the problem. And out frustration.
And SET thanks for the link to mudflats. What a great video, and incisive post on the Troopergate affair. I hope everyone who visits this site, visits that one.
here is a link that talks about McCain's ads, etc. Very interesting. Ed
also, I am very cynical about everything. Now Karl Rove is saying John McCain's ads are going too far. So what is one possible scenario? Obama goes negative about the time McCain goes positive, so Obama looks like the jerk, and McCain's ads have already had their desired effect. ed
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