Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Documented Voter Fraud

Okay, let's not get paranoid but already voters in West Virginia, Texas and Tennessee have talked about computerized voting machines trying to flip their votes to the candidate they didn't vote for. Yesterday Mike Connell, the Republican IT guru who created Ohio's 2004 election result network, was deposed in relation to a lawsuit looking into vote fraud in the 2004 presidential election.


And Princeton University reports that the voting machines used in New Jersey and elsewhere can be hacked into in 7 minutes by anyone with "basic computer knowledge".


What does this mean? I guess, if there are surprises, we need to all be vigilant and persistent and follow up to make sure all allegations of vote fraud are investigated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We tried "let's not get paranoid" last time. I say, let's wake up and run down every report until doomsday, whether Obama wins or not. The vote is all we have, and it may have been tampered with twice. Paranoid is an irrational fear. There's nothing irrational about this one...