Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It gets worse

Seriously, folks. More dribbles of the Palin-Couric interview are coming out, and it just gets worse. Like this exchange:

Asked what newspapers and magazines she reads, Palin - a journalism major in college - could not name one publication.

"I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media," she said at first. Couric responded, "What, specifically?"

"Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years."

"Can you name a few?"

"I have a vast variety of source where we get our news," Palin said. "Alaska isn't a foreign country, where it's kind of suggested, 'wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C., may be thinking when you live up there in Alaska?' Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America."

No wonder she doesn't know anything about the world outside her own little domain.



Ralph said...

I read that excerpt, and then I watched the longer interview that was on YouTube.

I have to admit that it was appalling to me; but I can see that a sizable group of people will just see the energy, the fight-for-you spirit, the 'mavarick,' and the perky, fiesty woman -- and won't care, or maybe even prefer, that she doesn't read and isn't educated and can't name Supreme Court cases.

Anonymous said...

Those silly liberal elite questions!

Vogue, People, US, The Phillis Schafley Journal, The Christian Fundamentals Magazine, The Kings Business.

Ya` know. I read all of them...

Ralph said...

Alas, it may not matter. There's a video up on HuffPost made by someone who has debated her 12 times in Alaska, who says she really can be quite good.

Not with facts and figures, but with the "non-answer." She always states forcefully what she's for and what she's against, emphasizing broad values and generalities.

I think the example I quote shows that. She gives no information about what she reads (if anything) but she shifts into a riff about Alaska's not a foreign country; you folks think we are out of touch.

And the great non-thinking masses will eat it up. All she has to do is side-step into a riff against the government taking your hard-earned money, or attacking Obama.

Biden will be in a bind; he can't attack her. It will depend on how much Gwen Ifill tries to insist that she answer questions.