Sunday, September 28, 2008

We're on the move

My optimism has returned. The good news from the electoral tracking polls boosted my spirits. And now there's this: The Stockton, CA newspaper, The Record, has endorsed Obama with a unanimous vote of its editorial board.

So why is that so significant?

Because it is the first time in 72 years that they have endorsed a Democrat, FDR being the last one.

The Record's editorial had this to say (excerpts):

"Barack Obama is our choice for president of the United States.

"He has demonstrated time and again he can think on his feet. More importantly, he has demonstrated he will think things through, seek advice and actually listen to it.

[The last eight years have left a cynicism in American politics.] "This must end, but John McCain can't do it. He can't inspire, nor can he really break from a past that is breaking this nation

"McCain, who has voted consistently for deregulation, started off two weeks ago declaring the U.S. economy fundamentally sound but ended the week sounding like a populist. Who is he really?

"He tends to shoot from the hip and go on gut instinct. The nation cannot go through four more years of literally and figuratively shooting now and asking questions later.

"But the fact is, we worry he won't have four years. If elected, at 72, he would be the oldest incoming president in U.S. history. He's in good health now, we're told, although he has withheld most of his medical records. That means Gov. Sarah Palin could very well become president.

"And that brings us to McCain's most troubling trait: his judgment. . .

"Obama can inspire, and our nation desperately needs an inspirational leader. . . .He offers hope. A new way of doing business. And a belief that our system of government can be made to work.

"He's the clear choice."

Thus spake a Republican newspaper abandoning its 72 year record to support Barak Obama!!!


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