Tuesday, October 14, 2008

George Bush - Socialist; Sarah Palin - Lady MacBeth

Well, who would thunk it? Arch Conservative George Bush is the first president to (partially at least) nationalize US banks. That little mouse you see occasionally scampering out of the white house to squeak in front of a mic, then scurrying back inside, has decided Socialism may be a better solution to our current economic crisis than Capitalism.

I want to applaud him for having enough wisdom to recognize the way business is done in the US needs to change, but the thought of Bush embracing Socialist principles is too mind boggling.

Meanwhile, you have Lady McPalin, who has publicly criticized John McCain for - hint, hint - not being 'man' enough to attack Obama, hoping this will spur him on to verbal violence, has quickly decided this election is not about McCain winning the White House, but about positioning herself for the 2012 race.

Palin, who obviously revelled in the bloodlust of acolytes screaming 'terrorist' and 'kill him' at her rallies, resents McCain's desire that there be some modicum of decency to this campaign and, according to the London times, is concerned that McCain is "throwing away her chance of becoming vice-president".

I'm sorry Sarah, I forgot it was all about you.

The Times quotes Mark Salter, McCain’s long-serving chief of staff, as having told campaign insiders that he would prefer his boss, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, to suffer an “honourable defeat” rather than conduct a campaign that would be out of character."

Honourable. That's a word you won't find in Palin's vocabulary. Slash, and burn, and lie, and kill - now that's more her style.


richard said...

Outrage about Palin from the Alaska Daily News...

Sarah Palin's reaction to the Legislature's Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.

She claims the report "vindicates" her. She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian.

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

In plain English, she did something "unlawful." She broke the state ethics law.

Perhaps Gov. Palin has been too busy to actually read the Troopergate report. Perhaps she is relying on briefings from McCain campaign spinmeisters.

That's the charitable interpretation.

richard said...

Make that Anchorage Daily News