Things are getting really ugly in NC. This was printed in the High Point Enterprise. It is so willfully ignorant and malicious that there's really nothing anyone can do to refute it. The whole thing is one big lying screed. And I'm not even going to mention the illogical positions and juxtapositions of the bilelike drool that he tries to pawn off as ideas. The type of mind that would produce this is beyond closed. It's huddled in the back of a lightless cave that has been sealed off for centuries. The best we can hope is that civilization proceeds apace and that neanderthals like this will soon die out.
This was published in the High Point Enterprise by Bob McLaughlin a
citizen of High Point in Thursday's paper: 10 Reasons Why People Would Vote for Obama
> 1. You are a Marxist. You believe in stifling government
regulation, redistribution of income, confiscatory taxation,
penalizing success, subsidizing failure and promoting dependency.
> 2. You are a multi-cultural internationalist. You reject American
exceptionalism. You believe western culture is inferior to others and
America is a "mean" country. You would rather be called a world
citizen than an American citizen.
> 3. You are a "religious" environmentalist. You worship the
creation while ignoring the Creator. You accept doubtful climate
change theory without question and believe we should spend billions of
dollars to combat it.
> 4. You take a utilitarian view of life and support the culture of
death with it's unrestricted abortion, infantcide, physician-assisted
suicide and ultimately euthanasia.
> 5. You are a radical feminist who believes that all differences
between men and women should be suppressed and that the sexes are
interchangeable, not complimentary, even if this undermines the family
> 6. You reject the "antiquated" concept of restricting sex to a
monogamous relationship between a man and a woman and believe that the
homosexual agenda should be promoted even to very young children. You
want Congress to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.
> 7. You believe that America's enemies are better appeased than
> 8. You would subordinate the rights of free speech and freedom of
religion to other more important objectives - ie, "hate speech" laws
and sexual orientation equality.
> 9. You would rescind or at least ignore the 2nd amendment rights
(owning guns). (That's another subject I haven't proached yet. CJ)
> 10. You are not "religious" but believe that all religions should
be tolerated except for Christianity and observant Judaism. After
all, biblical Christianity is too mythical and restrictive, and the
Zionists are responsible for most of the world's problems.
Right-Wing Commentator Named F.B.I. Deputy Director
47 minutes ago
Richard, you forgot the title of this rant. It's 10 Reasons Someone Would Vote for Obama.
Got it. Thanks.
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