Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Must-watch videos

Two video clips well worth watching. One is Keith Olbermann's riff that Richard mentioned about Sarah Palin's throwing "socialist" stones and hitting her own glass house. Link at

The other is a new Obama ad titled "His Choice." It begins with actual quotes from McCain earlier in the campaign, admitting his lack of economic know-how and saying, "I might have to rely on a vice president that I select" for expertise on economic issues.

Then against a black background are the words, "His choice?" -- before cutting to clip of Palin during her VP debate, winking at the audience. The screen then says "On November 4th, You Get to Make Yours."

It's very low key, with simple music in the background and simple factual quotes and simple questions. Very effective. Worth watching.



Ralph said...

Another exhibit in my charge that Republicans not only stretch the truth, they completely lose touch with it -- intentionally.

NC Senator Elizabeth Dole's campaign has an ad that implies that her opponent, Kay Hagan, is an atheist. Showing film from a fund-raiser, where among the 40 sponsors was a representative of the Godless America PAC, a picture of Hagan is on screen while a female voice-over screams "There is no God!!"

You're supposed to think that the voice is Hagan's. In fact, she is a Sunday school teacher and an elder in her Presbyterian Church.

Despicable. Libby must be desperate. But it's a mark of character what you do when you're desperate, I'd say. I hope the people of NC see through this tawdry tactic and vote against Mrs. Dole.

Ralph said...

PS: And what if she were an atheist? What if she were a Muslim? I'd rather have an honest, humanistic atheist or Muslim as my senator than a corrupt, power mad, give-it-all-to-the-rich person who claimed to be a Christian.

We've already got enough of those.

Ralph said...
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Ralph said...

Should have known we could count on Obama's smooth comebacks to counter the McCain/Palin attacks and make them look foolish for calling him a socialist and a Marxist who will take your hardearned money and redistribute it to others.

Here's what he said in Raleigh today: "By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten." Then he added, "I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

Ridiculous accusations deserve ridiculing.