As Keith Olbermann pointed out on his show the other day, Palin's own policies in Alaska as she described them are socialist
"And Alaska, we're set up, unlike other states in the union, where collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occur," said Paliin.
Collectively? Share in the wealth? And she has the nerve to call Obama a Socialist for saying we need to 'spread it around'?
Let's look at exactly how Obama's tax plan would work. Under his proposal, this is what would happen to your taxes, based on your income.
$0-$18,891 = $567 tax cut
$18,982-$37,595 = $892 tax cut
$37,596-$66,354 = $1,118 tax cut
$66,355-$111,645 = $1,264 tax cut
$111,646-$160,972 = $2,135 tax cut
$160,973-$226,918 = $2,796 tax cut
$226,919-$603,402 = $121 tax increase
$603,403-$2.87 million = $93,709 tax increase
$2.87 million-plus = $542,882 tax increase
So people who made from $226,919-$603,402 would see a whopping increase of $121 in their tax bill? That's what they might pay for one opera ticket and a glass of wine at intermission. What a hardship!
When you have McCain's own aides calling Palin a "whack job", a "diva who won't listen to anybody", and totally "uninformed about national and international issues" - tell me again, what is the rationale for voting for her? Even the guy at the head of the ticket, you remember him, don't you? He's the older gentleman with Sarah's knife now firmly planted in his back? When you get to the point where even his own top aides can't find a reason to support her, how can anyone else in the country justify voting for a ticket that would put her one heartbeat away from the presidency?
Right-Wing Commentator Named F.B.I. Deputy Director
44 minutes ago
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