Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain panders while Wall Street collapses

Obama has criticized McCain's hastily thrown together plan to buy distressed home mortgages, but now even many of his own team of economists are saying it's a gimmick:

"Many of the professional economists who formally endorsed John McCain's economic plan are expressing bewilderment with his most recent proposal to rectify the home mortgage crisis.

"In interviews with the Huffington Post, roughly a dozen of McCain's economist supporters said they disagreed with the Senator's recent proposal . . . Several viewed it as a gimmick, driven mostly by political circumstance.

"'This is just political gamesmanship,' said Robert H. Heidt, a professor at the Indiana University School of Law. 'The bill is wildly over-ambitious in trying to rescue home buyers from the downturn in real estate appreciation. It's costs would never end. I will end up voting for McCain but this is ridiculous.'"

More of the article here:


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