Sunday, October 5, 2008

Palin - A Jungian Analysis?

A friend sent this along, from a man she identifies as a Jungian analyst. An interesting interpretation

The debate between Biden and Palin was one of the most interesting -
and scaring - things I have seen in the last years. With her general
statements she came out unscratched. She doesn't live in space or
time (even Bush's presidency doesn't concern her, it's over, and the
future of the planet is extraneous to her). She isn't interested in
history or geography. But she lives in the media world, of unreal
sentimentalism. She sells our future as a toothpaste. (Todays article
of David Brooks, p. 5 Intern. Herald Tribune, in the US probably on
the NY Times, captures part of it).

No matter what the polls will say, or even how the presidential
election goes, she is the winner.
Our children will live in the century of Sarah Palin.

I wonder if, as the Germans have been somehow considered collectively
responsible for Hitler's criminality, we
aren't collectively responsible for Palin's superficiality.


Ralph said...

Interesting thought, that we are collectively responsible for Palin's superficiality. Yes, I agree, although some of us have been trying to move us along beyond that. But, yes, she is the exemplar of what we have become collectively.

On the other hand, we could view her as the perfect end product that we need just at this time to wake us up to what we are becoming . . .

So that we can reject just what she represents.

Along this same line, it is also perfect that Tina Fey so closely resembles her and does such a spot-on impersonation.

When I see clips of SNL, I have to stop and think am I seeing the real Sarah Palin or the SNL skit. The parody is almost identical with the actual. In fact, often Tina just recites lines that Sarah has uttered.

Anonymous said...

Ralph, I have exactly the same feeling about thinking Tina IS Palin on SNL. I have had many laughs watching these you tubes.

see you tomorrow, Clara