Monday, October 6, 2008

Palin and McCain - McCarthyites and Terrorists

It's appalling to see how casually the Palin/McCain campaign embraces the tactics of Joseph McCarthy in their attempts to salvage their disreputable campaign. I expect Palin to stand up at any moment and scream at Obama, "Have you ever been on the same planet as William Ayers? Answer me! Yes or No! There you have it - he's Unamerican."

The hypocrisy of a candidate who repeatedly said no one should pay any attention to her past associations - with the vile separatist party in Alaska(which Todd belonged to for 5 years, until Sarah ran for Governor) - with the church where members speak in tongues and are waiting to become one of the sanctuary places during the Last Days - this candidate who chastised Biden several times during her debate with him for 'looking backwards', into the Past(We're going forward) and then tries to tar and feather Obama because an acquaintance of his committed a crime 39 years ago, when Barrack was 8 - that's beyond shameless.

The thing with Palin is that she really thinks people are stupid, and that she can say anything and get away with it. Think of this time line.

When Couric asked her about visitng foreign countries, Palin answered that she didn't have to go to other countries because she read about them in newspapers, books, magazines.

When later asked to name something she read, Palin could not come up with a single publication.

After that, the McCain campaign offered a press release claiming that she read, among other things, The New YorkTimes, Wall Street Journal, and the Economist.

Yet yesterday she said, "I was surprised to read in the NY Times...' about William Ayers.

Well, if she actually had read, not just these publications, but anything, or had ever watched news programs on TV during this primary season, she would not have been "surprised" to learn about William Ayers, since that story has been covered extensively. (Psst Sarah, if you read through to the end of the NY Times article, you would've learned that Obama didn't 'pal around' with a terrorist. But I guess sounding out words and understanding a story are two different skills).

Look, I know Palin is a quick study - although, you've got to admit it's not that difficult teaching a human being how to hold a newspaper open so they can pretend they are reading it.

But words matter. Her smear attack on Obama over Ayers should be offensive to anyone seriously concerned with electing a president who can lead this country. The fact that she would, once again, stoop to wilfully lying in an attempt to get elected says everything you need to know about just how dangerous this candidate might be to our country. She is engaging in a type of Political Terrorism, where nothing matters but advancing their cause. For Palin and McCain, the end justifies the means. Wouldn't Karl Marx be proud of them?

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