Saturday, October 11, 2008

Troopergate report: partisan?

The McCain campaign issued a statement that said the Troopergate report "illustrates what we've known all along: this was a partisan led inquiry run by Obama supporters."

The Facts:
1. The Alaska Legislature created the investigative commission.
2. The Legislature initiated it before Palin was chosen to run for VP.
3. The Legislature is made up of 41 Republicans and 19 Democrats.
4. The Commission was made up of 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats.
5. They voted 12 to 0 to release the report (2 members were absent).

Partisan? Nah, they'll just say anything that's convenient.

Oh, wait !!! I just figured it out. The "Obama supporters" must be Republicans !!!


1 comment:

Ralph said...

Palin tried to stop the legislative investigation by saying it should be handled by the State Personnel Board (all appointed by her, by the way), and that she would cooperate with them.

Turns out that might have been a bad move. The Personnel Board has hired an independent investigator to handle the matter. And they chose an aggressive trial lawyer, who is a Democrat and contributor to Palin's opponent in the 2006 election.

Now this should be interesting.