Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dishonorable McCain

Although I have never agreed with most of his political positions, in the past I had felt that John McCain was an honorable man. And I was outraged for him during the 2000 primary when George Bush allowed his minions to spread false rumors that McCain had fathered an illegitimate black child (the one that Cindy brought home from an orphanage in Bangladesh).

But what honor is left when he not only embraces the man who did that to him but has now turned over his campaign to the same dirty tricksters to do the same thing to his opponent? Only this time, instead of vicious rumor, it's an official campaign ad that ends with "I'm John McCain, and I approve this message."

What does the ad say? That Barak Obama's only accomplishment in the field of education is "legislation to teach comprehensive sex education to kindergarteners. Learning about sex before learning to read? Barak Obama. Wrong about education. Wrong for your family."

The truth? Obama did support a comprehensive, age appropriate sex education bill, which for kindergarteners is learning to protect themselves from pedophiles!!!

The perverse beauty of this kind of dirty trick is that they don't even have to spend much money airing it. Just a few times, and then the Rush Limbaughs, Laura Ingrahams, and the Sunday preachers will continue to spread the sound bite.

Obama has already struck back, calling McCain's ad "shameful and downright perverse." But you can't erase this once it's out and echoing through the right-wing hate chambers. If this isn't the Willie Horton moment, there will be others and worse.

I really didn't think John McCain would sink this low. He is not an honorable man.



Pat Keller said...

Well said and I could not agree more. I know I will be branded as an extremist for comments like this but I don't care because it is fact...

Sieg Heil!!! Honestly. this is not extreme it is accurate. For those who do not think so -- understand that literally translated, "Sieg Heil!" means "Hail Victory!". Victory is clearly the only value these people hold. Forget 'honor' and 'family values' and 'country first'. These are undeniably facades designed to inflame. These people have only one value, one power hungry objective. Victory!

The comparison is wholly valid and accurate.

Ralph said...

Pat -- I don't regard that as extremist at all; simply accurate.

The ultimate irony is that McCain's claims to fame - at least the ones they seem to feel are unassailable -- are his POW sacrifice and his honor.

And the gullible sheep are lapping it up and cheering him on in his degradation of that sacrifice and honor.

Seig Heil, indeed !!!