Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Question - What are white women thinking?

The latest Washgton Post/ABC poll finds a huge shift in support for McCain among white women. Prior to the conventions, white women supported Obama by a 50% - 42% margin.

Post-Palin they support McCain by a 53% - 41% margin.

Is this a simple knee-jerk response, support for Palin only because she's a woman?

Because it's hard to imagine that 53% of the women in this country share these beliefs that Palin holds

That we are living in the last days and Palin's church in Wassilla is going to be one of the 'refuge places' people will flock to.

That creationism should be taught in schools.

That stem cell research should be banned.

But automatic weapons should be legal to own.

That we should NOT try to provide health care for our citizens and that it's "Up to people to take more responsibility to be healthy".

That our soldiers are fighting in Iraq "on a task from God".

That it's okay to censor books according to your whim, and if the head librarian in your town has a problem with censorship, it's okay to fire her.

That it's okay to abuse the power of your office and fire the State Police Commissioner just because he won't help your sister in her divorce case by firing your sister's ex-husband.

That unlimited oil drilling should be allowed in all areas of the US, without restrictions.

That if you're 43 years old and pregnant and your water breaks, it shows good judgment, and concern for your unborn child, to hang around, give a 30 minute speech, take a long plane ride from Dallas to Seattle, switch planes and fly to Anchorage, then travel from Anchorage to Wassilla - a journey variously reported as totalling between 8 - 12 hours - before you bother to check into a hospital.

That abortion should be illegal in all cases; even if your own daughter were raped.

But the death penalty is a good thing.

That human beigns have nothing to do with Global Warming.

That it's okay to exploit your children by trotting out, for applause lines, your baby with Downs syndrome, your pregnant teenager, your son who is going to Iraq.

That it's okay not to know anything about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. What, me worry?

That living in a state that's close to Russia makes you qualified in foreign affairs.

Do 53% of the women in this country really share these beliefs? Because I'd hate to think it's racism, or simplistic gender solidarity that accounts for Palin's support among white women.

Of course, over 60% of men support Palin, but we all know that's because they vote/think with their umm, errr...well, you know what I mean

1 comment:

Ralph said...

Richard - the electoral problem is that the people we're trying to reach have a habit of voting against their own interests, because they buy the snake oil the Repubicans package so well.

On the other hand, my optimism says that Palin's popularity has peaked and will recede now that she's being confronted with all this stuff. I don't even think painting her as a victim of hostile press will work anymore. She's gotten her free pass already.

Unless she turns in a remarkable performance in the debate . . .