Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hillary - Palin's Greatest Ally

If what's being reported is true - that Hillary is not going to talk about Palin on the campaign trail, but focus all of her attacks on McCain - then Hillary might as well go on the stump for the Republican ticket. Hillary is the one person who can totally shut down Palin, respond to her point by point, issue by issue, in a way that will be covered extensively by the national media. Sebelious offered a devastating, and extensive, critique of Palin, but that was alrgely overlooked by the mainstream press. If Hillary focused her attack skills on Palin(to the same degree she focused them on her Democratic opponents during the primaries) the effect would be devastating.

This is the one thing Hillary can do for the Democratic Party.

And the one thing she appears unwilling to do.

Why? It makes no sense, particularly given how Palin regularly invokes Hillary's 18 million supporters as if they now belong to her by default. So why won't Hillary put Sarah in her place?

The way I see it, Hillary is still bitter about losing the nomination and would prefer to see Obama lose the election so she can run again in 4 years, probably under the slogan 'I Told You So'. So much for loyalty to the Democratic Party.

1 comment:

Ralph said...

Richard -- I now read a post from Howard Wolfson in which he says that Hillary is not going to get in a "cat fight" with Palin. That's what the media want; it sells papers. Instead, she will go after McCain, not Palin.

So, looks like you're right. There is a middle ground she could take, and maybe she will. Don't attack Palin on personal/family issues or even her preparedness.

But do challenge her extremism and his policy positions.
