Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick Hypocrisy by the NEW! SLEAZY! McCain!

Chris Mathews nailed it today on Hardball when he asked one of McCain's operatives , "Do you believe that Obama was calling Sarah Palin a pig?" "No," the guy admitted.

Perhaps the first instance of honesty I've seen from the Republicans in a long time. S

Mathews was visibly outraged, as we all should be, left, right, conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, over this ridiculous distraction, this discussion about lipstick(a metaphor Obama used in the context of listing Bush and McCain's policy failures).

The utter failure of the McCain/Palin ticket to provide any real policy proposals leads them to try to run this campaign by manufacturing fake issues and outrage, distorting remakrs when not outright lying about them.

And where is Sarah Palin in this? I thought she was a Big Girl, able to play hardball with the Big Boys. She can't speak up for herself? Does she really believe this garbage being spewed by the McCain campaign?

Oh, that's right, I forgot - she can't talk to those meannies in the press. They might actually ask her a question.


Pat Keller said...

I love it when Chris Matthews gets mad! Wasn't it great?!?!? I agree he nailed it. I do hope the backfire is loud and fatal to the campaign. ENOUGH!!!! How much bullshit do these Rovian disciples have to spew before even the pandered-to see it for what it is?

Anonymous said...

On NBC news, they showed Cheney and McCain using the same "pig with lipstick" comment. The segment was about campaign "silliness," and it was clear that they were pointing to McCain's ads...