Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain "not responsible"???

James Carville, the Cajun pit bull (sans lipstick) who helped manage Bill Clinton's first campaign and who called Bill Richardson 'Judas' for endorsing Obama over Hillary, and who now is given air time to comment supposedly from the Democratic perspective on TV, and who is married to Republican operative and Cheney spokesperson Mary Matalin (how does that possibly work?) has let out an audacious revelation:

Speaking about the sleazy McCain kiddy sex-ed ad, Carville said that he admires John McCain and he refuses to believe that McCain knew about that ad. "In my heart of hearts, I want to believe he's absolutely furious about this and somebody's being called on the carpet because this ad is blatantly completely false." Oh, sure, he's in the ad saying he approves the message. But they just tack that on, says Carville.

OK, James. Suppose you're right, and McCain didn't actually know about that ad. What does that say about him? That he has turned over his campaign to low-life, sleaze bags and he doesn't oversee what they say in his name and actually put his face and words to? Is that the way he would run the government?

Either he is responsible for the detailed approval, or he is responsible in general for the tone of his campaign. And neither is good. Nor is the only alternative: that he is a captive of sinister forces that have taken responsibility away from him. Not exactly what we want in a President and Commander in Chief either.

This is how McCain has gotten as far as he has, and why he has been able to flipflop on all the major issues without much cost -- because he has all the media people thinking he's such a good guy and is so admirable, and they make excuses for him, just as Carville is doing now. It looks like that's changing fast. James, you're a little slow catching on. Wake up !!! McCain has sold his soul.


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