Friday, September 12, 2008

Whoopee for Whoopi !!

John McCain was a guest on The View this morning, and those women gave him probably the hardest time of any interview he has had. Calling these recent ads "just plain lies," they demanded to know if he really approved them. He didn't deny it but tried to claim they weren't lies.

And then, while discussing Roe v Wade, he said he would appoint judges who would interpret the Constitution instead of legislating from the bench. Whoopi Goldberg jumped in to clarify: did he mean strict Constructionists? He said he meant judges who would interpret the Constitution according to the Founders' intent. Then she let him have it: "Should I be worried then about being returned to slavery? Because there were some things in the Constitution that had to be changed about that." He quickly backtracked and thanked her for pointing that out, saying she was right about that.

Listen up, network pundits and journalists. The ladies of The Vent are doing your job for you. Forget all the trivia and ask tough questions like these and don't let McCain have a free pass like you've been doing.



Pat Keller said...

Absolutely! On all counts!

What these neo-cons refuse to acknowledge -- assuming they HAVE actually studied American history -- is that the undeniable genius of our founding fathers was that they actually foresaw the need to amend the constitution over time and built in a mechanism to accomplish that. The INTENT of the founding fathers was that our constitution evolve. They would turn over in their graves at the thought of such nonsense.

Ralph said...

I agree completely. John McCain seems to me a man with only average intelligence. I'm not sure he has a grasp of all this, or if he does he is a very lazy thinker and tends to go with what sounds good at the moment without considering broader implications. Add to that an impulsive and explosive temperament, and he could be a dangerous man in the White House.

Ralph said...

Since I wrote this this morning, I've seen more of The View segments, including the unbelievable claim by McCain that he has not changed a single one of his positions. "People keep talking about this, but they can't name a single thing I've changed. I'm the same person I've always been."

He says 'this with a straight face. I wonder if he may actually believe it. I'm beginning to think the man is cognitively impaired and really does not realize when something he says contradicts what he said 15 minutes ago.

Anonymous said...

"I'm beginning to think the man is cognitively impaired."

Long ago, this aspect of McCain was seen as being a Maverick or shooting from the hip, and he got away with it. He may be slipping, but he wasn't very high up on the rocket-scientist ladder before.

He looked like a moron on The View today. That bit about Palin reforming "all of Washington" was pathetic. I don't think he even got Walter's point. He's memorized Schmidt's slogans which he repeats over and over...